Imma say this again for the beauties in the back. SUCCESS IS LIKING YOURSELF, LIKING WHAT YOU DO AND LIKING HOW YOU DO IT. - Maya Angelou

WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW.  So much to unpack on this one.  It's a FUN ONE! ...but first, happy EVERYTHING Friends!

So this line of thinking means so much. Leave it to Maya to spell it out just right.  For me, most of my time is spent having my eye on the prize. I'm not talking cars and designer handbags and fancy things, but more....finding fulfillment in being PERFECTLY ME and being happy as a clam doing it.  my gosh…the road was long. It took forever for me to admit that I kinda like me. Please know, not in a boastful, I'm King S%*T kinda way...there are plenty of things about me that need fixing, but I'm cool with them all.  Within them lies aaaaaalllll the wisdom. So how do I move through the tough stuff & uncertainty? I set some goals and got to work. In this process, I've been handed some blessings and challenges, but the "ideal me" will forever be in the works and feels good to process it all! Allowing myself to blossom is a privilege I truly believe I have earned at this ripe old age. It's taken a lot of time and I still have a ways to go. For sure I still have shitty days so there's that. Seriously, I can't believe I'm 51! (I still feel like I'm 17...but I'll save that for another blog post) All that being said, the BEST thing I’ve learned so far I'm not afraid anymore. So high time I start putting all those miles I've earned to work....FOR YOU GUYS.  FOR THE WORLD AROUND ME.

The struggle is real guys. As women (and men too), we've always been taught by society to be "not too this and not too that but focus on this and you have to be more of that". Exhausting. The reality is, you have to know who you are and know what you want. So about 15 years ago here's what I did (because I wasn't quite happy enough being me…like, AT ALL)... After lots of yoga and prayer and reading and turning inward and LOTS LOTS LOTS of self help reading, I marched myself down to Anthropologie in Shrewsbury, NJ, bought myself an overpriced journal (a very pretty overpriced journal)….and in that journal, I wrote down who I want to be, how I want to feel, what I what to represent and yes, the things in life I would like to have. It's about 100 pages in length fully outfitted with pictures and quotes and intentions and goals and plans and dreams. What did Henriette Anne Klauser say? "Write it down, make it happen".  So that's just what I did!  I TELL YOU, IT WORKS! We all just need a solid plan! That's the secret sauce!

Whatever it is you want from your life....whether it's a ham sandwich or a Bugati...a Monet, immersion blender, turntable with a huge record collection or a meditation's YOURS.  You are the architect.  You are the curator.  YOU GET TO DECIDE. Just walk in it.  There is nothing in the world that is stopping you from living the life that you LIKE - liking how you do it. We have journals in the Good Soul lobby.  Why? For exactly this!  To allow you to articulate your hearts desire for all the world to hear. Come up with a plan because as we all know, it will NOT just come knocking at your door and you must be an active participant in the development of any all of your achievements. From there take massive action, be honest and ethical while in the process, be prepared for alternate opportunities that might or might not involve rejection, trust the process and let it all flow your way. All the gifts.  All the things.  All the love.  All the adventure.

While on the upswing, don't feel guilty. Don't let people who are on a different path shame you into believing "you've changed". Don't let people tell you that you had a leg up and you don't deserve it. They have no idea what you've endured. A lot of people have rich daddies and good looks.  That simply doesn't matter. That won't guarantee you anything other then a fancy Christmas dinner or cat calls on the street. Don't allow yourself to be small to protect someone else's fragile state.  The BEST thing you can do is live fully and inspire them.  The WORST thing you should do is flip them the bird and put them down.  Don’t be a mean person. RISE.  RISE.  RISE and inspire them to do the same. Don't jump in the sandbox and act in any way that's not empowering to you or those around you. Even those who seem to be pushing against you. They were put there for good reason. To teach you.  Remember, we are all mirrors.

I write all of this full aware that the plug can be pulled and the world can bottom out below me at any given ttime, but the best part is, I'm not afraid.  I know there is not a thing in the world that I can't handle. It may get muddy and sticky and heavy at times, but that's what life is. I want to drink up all of it.  I will stay humble, grateful and fully prepared for whatever comes my way.  THIS is the time when I refrence my Anthtro journal which remains my guiding light to this day. My life has shifted, some of my goals have changed, but the underlying message is there. I know who I am, what I want & where I wanna be. I love you guys.  Stay strong. Love the world around you. BE honest. Success in not a dirty word. Design what that looks like for you and WALK IN IT!  Remember, write it down.  Make it happen.